In December 2023, shocking and heartbreaking stories involving Ukrainian orphan Natalia Grace, 21, emerged of her fleeing from her adoptive family, the Manses. With the assistance of old family friends, the DePauls, Natalia fled her Tennessee home, a 21-year-old woman with rare dwarfism. Her story is told in The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: The Final Chapter, premiering January 6 on ID and Max.
After her adoption by Bishop Antwon and Cynthia Mans in mid-2023, Natalia Grace lived under very strict control, which she described as suffocating. Neighbors and friends accused Natalia Grace of abusive practices, including beating and locking away, which she refused to corroborate directly.
Her daring getaway was planned by her boyfriend Neil and Nicole DePaul, an old family friend. Nicole and her daughter Mackenzie made a secret drive from New York to come and pick Natalia Grace up from the parking lot of a church. Though terrified, Natalia Grace realizes this is her only way of breaking the chain of violence for good.
During her stay since escaping, Natalia has come to seek solace with the DePauls. Nicole speaks about the main objective of this goal: instead of controlling, to guide; and help Natalia overcome her horror of the past. Today, Natalia is focusing on her future: studying for her GED, undergoing medical treatments, and working toward becoming a teacher.
Despite the challenges, Natalia states that she has never felt so free in her life. The story of this young woman and her strength, courage, and resilience is one of the best examples of the human spirit, pointing out the complications of adoption and the importance of love and understanding.
The first episode of the docuseries focuses on the conflicts that forced Natalia to escape and on the hope that she found in her new family.
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