The Greatest of all time
September 5, 2024 – The Greatest of All Time (GOAT attempts at high-octane action from Vijay in dual roles of a special agent and his long-separated son. By Venkat Prabhu, the film opens with the introduction of Gandhi, Vijay, considered the finest agent in India’s SATS or Special Anti Terrorism Squad, who has been sent on an operation to Thailand. Soon enough, it is brought to light that this movie isn’t about its storyline but works more on showcasing Vijay’s charisma through flashy action moments.

The story of the film is about a Gandhi sucked back into action when his presumed-dead son returns with a bunch of new threats. Unfortunately, this much-promising plot fails to build momentum for the most part. While Vijay has done excellent work with the action and performs well in both roles, the script lets him down as what should have been an engrossing drama becomes a weak event-like setup targeting fans.
Prabhu relies mostly on nostalgia, cameos, and callbacks, but all these cannot fill the lacuna in the storyline. The de-aging technology springs up surprises now and then, but even that cannot redeem the underdeveloped characters and the weak storyline of the movie.
The antagonist, Sunil Menon, played by Mohan, is a one-dimensional villain- a minimal challenge to Gandhi’s supposed brilliance. Despite the title The Greatest of All Time, the sequences that establish Gandhi’s status as a legend within SATS are missing in this movie.
While GOAT attempts an exciting action set-piece fest with its fanfare, it feels like the film is all about being a set of Instagram-worthy moments instead of being one cohesive film. This might satisfy the fans of Vijay somewhat, but for anyone looking at a properly surrounded story, GOAT misses greatness.
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