Veteran actor Gurucharan Singh, who has portrayed the character of Roshan Singh Sodhi in the popular serial Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, has been admitted to a hospital. His health has worsened to an alarming level, says close friend Bhakti Soni. He hadn’t eaten or drunk anything for 19 days and had fallen unconscious when he was taken to the hospital.
Bhakti said, “When we last spoke, he told me he would know by 13 or 14 January whether he would stay on this earth. His parents are distraught, but he refuses to listen.
Singh recently posted a video on Instagram from his hospital bed, thanking Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti for his health. Though he did not reveal the cause of his health problem, he confessed, “Haalat bahot zyada kharab ho gayi hai (my condition has worsened).”
He wrote, “On Gurpurab, Guru Sahib Ji blessed me with a new life. I am grateful to Guru Sahib Ji and everyone who prayed for me. Rab Rakha.
Singh is a founding cast member of TMKOC. He played a popular character, famous for his jovial nature. After leaving the show in 2012, he returned in 2013 on public demand, but again left the show in 2020.
Fans and colleagues have sent their prayers hoping for his quick recovery.
To Read More: Entertainment