In an era of hyper-realistic gaming, Beyond Citadel has managed to carve out its niche as a retro-inspired anime FPS. Developed by Doekuramori, the sequel to 2020’s The Citadel brings fast-paced 90s-style gameplay with modern mechanics. Its unique aesthetic and engaging gunplay have garnered wide acclaim.
Players will be taken through a dystopian world in this game, acting as the Martyr, a somewhat anime-like hero, trying to overthrow the Trumpeters of the Apocalypse. It is an exciting mix of rolling wastelands and complex labyrinths with enemies such as grotesque demons and armed mechanical foes.
Standout gunplay mechanics make Citadel, yet also because players can activate weapon degradation and manual reload for that extra layer of immersion. Combat is reminiscent of classics like Doom but much more infatuated with anime-inspired graphics and dynamic environments.
The settings are eerily characteristic in the elements of monoliths, hollow-eyed characters, and scripture that evoke Neon Genesis Evangelion, while the layered storytelling is at points slightly cryptic but deeply engaging action.
Currently trending as a “Popular New Release” on Steam, Beyond Citadel is listed with a 97% approval rating from more than 300 user reviews. Both a free demo and a special introductory price of $13.49 make Beyond Citadel a must-try for retro shooters and anime aesthetics fans.
Drawn to its visceral gunplay or haunting world, any fan is in for an exhilarating ride into a vividly crafted apocalyptic realm.
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