Images of TikTok Star Kübra Aykut
Images of TikTok Star Kübra Aykut who gained fame in the process of confessing that she could not find a suitable husband for herself

Kübra Aykut, a rising personality on TikTok who gained fame in the process of confessing that she could not find a suitable husband for herself and then marrying herself, jumped from the 5th floor of her home in Istanbul and ended her life. Social media posts just a little earlier were quite open about mental health and depression as well as body image issues, which has shocked all.

Before her death, Aykut wrote a farewell post in which she expressed the intensity of her fatigue and emotional weakness. According to her post, she hadn’t gained any weight for several months, and that hinted that she was combating an eating disorder. In a video before the tragic event, she invited her friends over for coffee; there was a need for comfort and closeness.

She also did not request assistance even in a goodbye SMS. Aykut was furious, too, for she felt abandoned as well. She asked for assistance even with household chores. Her sister, who assisted her in cleaning the house, had not been around for some time. She looked up to her followers who could be of assistance, especially the ones who perhaps were going through the same scenarios, to do so as well.

Aykut filmed herself on the day of the incident, cleaning her house. Because it looks like a pretty normal activity, no one could have predicted what was hidden inside that ordinary action. Fans are even arguing over whether they really did miss some warning signs. Actually, Aykut kept smiling on social media during difficult times, which sometimes made people think she had been hiding her mental health problems in advance.

Other analysts believe external pressure or individual relationships may have made her vulnerable to such a mental state. Her boyfriend, Enes Çetinkaya-a lawyer for the influential Polat family-has not made any public declaration about her death. The two had been made public and a lot of people wonder if possibly some private challenges were left unsaid.

After the autopsy performed at Bursa Hospital, Aykut’s body was returned to her hometown for burial. Close friends, family, and community leaders from TikTok attended her funeral. Among them were Engin and Dilan Polat who are close to Çetinkaya and the Polat family. They attended the funeral but declined a photo opportunity. Many political figures were also present at the funeral. The list includes AK Party Yıldırım District Chairman İrfan Akkaya and Republican People’s Party Provincial Chairman Nihat Yeşiltaş.

Aykut’s untimely death serves as a stark reminder of the struggle that often unfolds behind a screen, something that has been seldom noticed as such until now. Her death caused immense talk on the matters of mental health and the pressures of social media.

Her fans, followers, as well as loved ones, are left grappling with the questions that are still left unresponded regarding her final moments indication of how deep any smile and cheerful post might screen over this depth of pain.

To Read More: Global News

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